Against the backdrop of the first Global Stocktake — a key process for assessing progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and accelerating climate action — speakers at this event will discuss nuclear energy’s contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as its role in broader sustainable development. The event will explore further actions to fully captialize on nuclear energy’s potential, considering policy, finance, technology and innovation, along with economic aspects and cross-cutting issues.
- Advancing Africa’s Sustainable Economic Development Through Innovative Frameworks for Capacity in Nuclear Skills, Technologies, and Policies
- Finland is on the verge of an incredible human-made alteration deep beneath the Earth: ‘They’ll hold a total of 5,500 tonnes of waste’
- Back-end agreement positions Africa center-stage on nuclear energy
- AFCONE is present at the 37th ordinary session of the African Union Assembly
- AFCONE concludes the 5th Conference of State Parties to the Treaty of Pelindaba
- Interview with Enobot Agboraw,AFCONE Executive Secretary
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and the Central Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone
- Taking Stock of Nuclear Energy’s Role in Climate Action